Entries by proxmedia

Creating custom sound wave analysis control

The very common requirement when working with the sound files is to display and analyze the sound wave within the form element. The best way of doing that is to create custom sound wave analysis control that we can reuse throughout the multiple projects. In this article I will show you how to create control […]

C# commonly used coding standards

In this article I will present you with some most commonly used coding standards that I have come across while working in multiple companies. 1. Naming Conversions 1.1 Use Pascal Casing for class and method names and camel Casing for local variables Pascal Casing: Camel Casing 1.2 Do not use underscores for member names eg. […]

MSSQL database backup/ restore helper scripts

When working with MSSQL server I have spotted some general problems during restoring databases. Below I’m presenting some common solutions that can save you development time. If you are restoring database backup taken from the same database but running on different server eg. restoring production database on your test server – you may get security […]

Executing sql scripts in direcory using .bat file

If you are in situation where you have to execute all sql scripts located as separate files in one folder, executing .bat file is the one of the options you can use. Executing batch command is quite flexible solution as you don’t have to recompile it every time the script will change. The code below […]

jQuery advanced selector and filter methods

Jquery it’s a powerful framework that allows us to apply advanced client side selectors and filters using elegant and readable code. Basic selectors can be applied using following method: $(‘tr’). If we want to apply an filter to our results we can use it like that: $(‘tr:eq(1)’) which gets first tr element with the index […]

Ext.js custom loaders

If you are building applications using JavaScript frameworks and server side call-backs, you probably know how important is to show loading message to the users, especially for time consuming requests. In this article I will show you some basic methods to create custom loaders when using Ext.js. First of all we can nicely indicate loading […]

MVC Custom View Editor Templates

When creating MVC3 razor website it is often necessary to apply custom templates on classes or properties within the objects to be displayed seamlessly throughout your application. There is number of ways to apply custom templates, one of them is to create folders in ~/Shared/DisplayTemplates/, ~/Shared/EditorTemplates/ and create partial views based on model objects we […]

OpenXml Power Point templates processing

Handling Power Point templates is quite similar to handling Words templates as they both are based on OpenXML standard (see my previous article to learn how to process Word templates). In this article I will show you how to replace Power Point template with text and images using C# based application. After creating new project […]

MVC property and model level validation techniques

MVC framework gives us a lot of different techniques for validating model and properties. The simplest way of model validation is to apply property attributes. After applying property attributes the client side validation will be performed automatically using unobtrusive JavaScript. The error message are being displayed in the UI if we provide @Html.ValidationSummary(true) or property […]