c# – Proxmedia https://pxm-software.com Software Outsourcing & Nearshore Development Mon, 27 Feb 2017 14:01:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.2 Using Windows Azure Service Bus Topics in distributed systems https://pxm-software.com/using-windows-azure-service-bus-topics-in-distributed-systems/ Wed, 02 Dec 2015 19:47:26 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4087 Service Bus topics allow to perform one way communication using publish/subscribe model. In that model the Service Bus topic can be treated as a intermediary queue that multiple users/components can subscribe to. When publishing a message we can choose to route it to all subscribers or to apply filters for each subscription resulting in each […]

Artykuł Using Windows Azure Service Bus Topics in distributed systems pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Service Bus topics allow to perform one way communication using publish/subscribe model. In that model the Service Bus topic can be treated as a intermediary queue that multiple users/components can subscribe to.

When publishing a message we can choose to route it to all subscribers or to apply filters for each subscription resulting in each subscriber receiving messages that are addressed to him. With Service Bus topics we can easily scale distributed applications communicating with each other within or across multiple networks.

In this article I will show you how to build and test Service Bus topic on your local computer. In our example we will simulate sending messages from the web, mobile and service application to the Service Bus Topic.

These messages will be then routed to relevant subscriptions based on defined filters we assigned for each of them. Subscription for messages from the web application will be using multiple auto scalable worker roles to process the business logic. Same will apply for service messages. If we don’t expect a lot of traffic coming from mobile application, we can then use single worker role (with failover settings).

Autoscaling worker roles can be performed using Enterprise Library 5.0 – Autoscaling Application Block (aka WASABi). This will ensure that appropriate number of worker roles will be automatically started when traffic increases and stopped if the traffic will ease.

See high level architecture diagram below:



In order to start, we need to first install “Service Bus 1.0 for Windows Server” (runs on Win7 as well). After installation please go to start > Service Bus 1.0 > Service Bus Configuration. Then use the wizard to set up the web farm first and after that, join your computer to that farm – this will essentially create namespace within the namespace on your local machine.


After you configure the Service Bus installation you will get endpoint address that your local application will use to connect to the Service Bus. You may notice that after installation there are 2 databases created on you local MSSQL server, see below image:


In order to connect to our Service Bus we will use the function below. This will create connection string the pass in to the NamespaceManager class.

  //use this setting when deploying to Windows Azure
  <add key="Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString" value="Endpoint=sb://[your namespace].servicebus.windows.net;SharedSecretIssuer=owner;SharedSecretValue=[your secret]" />

 public static string getLocalServiceBusConnectionString()
    var ServerFQDN = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(string.Empty).HostName;
    var ServiceNamespace = "ServiceBusDefaultNamespace";
    var HttpPort = 9355;
    var TcpPort = 9354;

    var connBuilder = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder();
    connBuilder.ManagementPort = HttpPort;
    connBuilder.RuntimePort = TcpPort;
    connBuilder.Endpoints.Add(new UriBuilder() { Scheme = "sb", Host = ServerFQDN, Path = ServiceNamespace }.Uri);
    connBuilder.StsEndpoints.Add(new UriBuilder() { Scheme = "https", Host = ServerFQDN, Port = HttpPort, Path = ServiceNamespace }.Uri);

    return connBuilder.ToString();

Within the worker role we will use NamespaceManager to create Service Bus Topic (if does not exist). We will also create subscriptions and associated filters.
Please notice that subscription will filter messages using MessageOrigin property. This property will be assigned to the message in the message send method for each application separately (web, mobile, service).

 public void CreateServiceBusTopicAndSubscriptions(NamespaceManager namespaceManager)
    #region Configure and create Service Bus Topic
    var serviceBusTestTopic = new TopicDescription(TopicName);
    serviceBusTestTopic.MaxSizeInMegabytes = 5120;
    serviceBusTestTopic.DefaultMessageTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);

    if (!namespaceManager.TopicExists(TopicName))

    #region Create filters and subsctiptions
    //create filters
    var messagesFilter_Web = new SqlFilter("MessageOrigin = 'Web'");
    var messagesFilter_Mobile = new SqlFilter("MessageOrigin = 'Mobile'");
    var messagesFilter_Service = new SqlFilter("MessageOrigin = 'Service'");

    if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(TopicName, "WebMessages"))
        namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(TopicName, "WebMessages", messagesFilter_Web);

    if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(TopicName, "MobileMessages"))
        namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(TopicName, "MobileMessages", messagesFilter_Mobile);

    if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(TopicName, "WCfServiceMessages"))
        namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(TopicName, "WCfServiceMessages", messagesFilter_Service);

We also need to create subscription clients in “OnStart” method giving each subscriber a unique name.

 public override bool OnStart()
    // Set the maximum number of concurrent connections 
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;

    // Create the queue if it does not exist already
    //string connectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString");
    var connectionString = getLocalServiceBusConnectionString();
    var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);

    //create topic and subscriptions

    // Initialize subscription for web, mobile and service
    SubscriptionClients.Add(SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, TopicName, "WebMessages"));
    SubscriptionClients.Add(SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, TopicName, "MobileMessages"));
    SubscriptionClients.Add(SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, TopicName, "WCfServiceMessages"));

    IsStopped = false;
    return base.OnStart();

Inside the run method we will use Task Parallel foreach method to create separate task for each subscriber listening for incoming messages.
This is only to simulate multiple subscribers in one place. Normally each worker role will connect to the topic listening for the messages appropriate for it’s type (separate for web, mobile and service).

public override void Run()
 Parallel.ForEach(SubscriptionClients, currentSubscrtiption =>
    while (!IsStopped)
        #region Receive messages
            // Receive the message
            var receivedMessage = currentSubscrtiption.Receive();
            if (receivedMessage != null)
                var messageFrom = receivedMessage.Properties["MessageOrigin"].ToString();

                switch (messageFrom)
                    case "Web":
                        //send it to web processing logic

                    case "Mobile":
                        //send it to mobile processing logic

                    case "Service":
                        //send it to service processing logic


                // Process the message
                Trace.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "--------------------------" + Environment.NewLine);
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} message content: {1}", messageFrom, receivedMessage.GetBody<string>()));

        catch (MessagingException e)
            if (!e.IsTransient)

        catch (OperationCanceledException e)
            if (!IsStopped)

Finally we can simulate sending messages from the MVC application. We will use 3 different buttons to create and send messages.

 public ActionResult SendWebMessage()

    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

 public ActionResult SendMobileMessage()

    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

 public ActionResult SendServiceMessage()

    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

See the image below:


Please note that when sending messages we have to assign value to message.Properties[“MessageOrigin”]. This will be used by the Service Bus Topic to route messages to appropriate subscriptions.

 void SendMessage(string type)
    var connectionString = getLocalServiceBusConnectionString();

    var Client = TopicClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, "ServiceBusTestTopic");

    var message = new BrokeredMessage("test message");
    message.Properties["MessageOrigin"] = type;


As usual, I have attached working project files for your tests 🙂


Artykuł Using Windows Azure Service Bus Topics in distributed systems pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Social media Sentiment Analysis using C# API https://pxm-software.com/social-media-sentiment-analysis-using-c-api/ Fri, 20 Nov 2015 21:05:53 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4204 Sentiment Analysis in Social media has become very important for many companies over the last few years as more and more people use this communication channel not only to exchange the messages, but also to express their opinions about the products and services they use or used in the past. In order to start proper […]

Artykuł Social media Sentiment Analysis using C# API pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Sentiment Analysis in Social media has become very important for many companies over the last few years as more and more people use this communication channel not only to exchange the messages, but also to express their opinions about the products and services they use or used in the past.

In order to start proper sentiment analysis, we need to use correct Text Analytics and Text Mining techniques. The fastest way is to use external API to get the information we need and then import that data on the daily basis to our system database, where we can visualize and track the results.

In this article I will show you, how you can convert unstructured data e.g. tweets using text2data.org API, into structured information that you can use to track sentiment towards the brand, product or company.

First step is to register in the service and get the private key to be used in your API calls. Next, you need to download API SDK from here

The code below, will just create request object containing your information and post that to platform using json or xml format. The response object will have information you need: Detected Entities, Themes, Keywords, Citations, Slang words and abbreviations. For each of these you can get sentiment result as double, polarity and score (positive, negative or neutral). Received information can be formatted the way you want. Below is complete sample (except for private key):

  static void Main(string[] args)
        var inputText = "I am not negative about the LG brand.";
        var privateKey = "-------------"; //add your private key here (you can find it in the admin panel once you sign-up)
        var secret = ""; //this should be set-up in admin panel as well.

       var doc = new Document()
          DocumentText = inputText,
          IsTwitterContent = false,
          PrivateKey = privateKey,
          Secret = secret

       var docResult = API.GetDocumentAnalysisResult(doc); //execute request

       if (docResult.Status == (int)DocumentResultStatus.OK) //check status
        //display document level score
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("This document is: {0}{1} {2}", docResult.DocSentimentPolarity, docResult.DocSentimentResultString, docResult.DocSentimentValue.ToString("0.000")));

        if (docResult.Entities != null && docResult.Entities.Any())
         Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Entities:");
         foreach (var entity in docResult.Entities)
           Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} ({1}) {2}{3} {4}", entity.Text, entity.KeywordType, entity.SentimentPolarity, entity.SentimentResult, entity.SentimentValue.ToString("0.0000")));
      if (docResult.Keywords != null && docResult.Keywords.Any())
         Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Keywords:");
         foreach (var keyword in docResult.Keywords)
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}{2} {3}", keyword.Text, keyword.SentimentPolarity, keyword.SentimentResult, keyword.SentimentValue.ToString("0.0000")));

        //display more information below if required 



You can always validate results by checking the demo site (on text2data.org platform)


Enjoy 🙂


Artykuł Social media Sentiment Analysis using C# API pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Creating custom WCF message router – load balancer https://pxm-software.com/creating-custom-wcf-message-router-load-balancer/ Sun, 15 Nov 2015 18:10:30 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4009 The very common requirement is to route WCF messages from the publicly exposed front-end service (perimeter network) to other services sitting within the local network. This is the good security model that lets us implement routing or load balancer if needed. The front-end service will also act as a firewall in this scenario. The routing […]

Artykuł Creating custom WCF message router – load balancer pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

The very common requirement is to route WCF messages from the publicly exposed front-end service (perimeter network) to other services sitting within the local network. This is the good security model that lets us implement routing or load balancer if needed. The front-end service will also act as a firewall in this scenario. The routing may be performed based on the requested service method, content or custom algorithm.

The image below shows typical hight level service infrastructure within the organization.


Let’s start with defining our service that the client will use to send requests. The “Calculate” method will be used to perform time consuming operation that will require more CPU usage.

    public interface IMessageService
        string SendMessage(string value);

        int Calculate(string value); 

  public class MessageService : IMessageService
        public string SendMessage(string value)
            return string.Format("You have sent: {0}", value);

        public int Calculate(string value)
            //do calculation
            return 999;

Next, we need to define IRouter interface. In our example we will use two methods: RouteMessage, that will process and route the messages and AddAvailableEndPoints, that will be used to assign available endpoints for the requests to be routed to. Please note that our router will not be using service contracts which is very useful as we don’t want to recompile router service each time our message service interface changes. You may also implement function to assign routing rules, in our example we will hard-code the rules for better clarity.

    public interface IRouter
        [OperationContract(Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
        Message RouteMessage(Message message);

        void AddAvailableEndPoints(List<EndpointAddress> addressList);        

Let’s create our router class now. Please note that we are using static constructor as we will only use one instance of the service (creating and destroying channel factory is very costly operation).

 static IChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> factory;
 List<EndpointAddress> addressList;
 int routeCount;

  //create only one instance
  static Router()
        var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
        factory = binding.BuildChannelFactory<IRequestChannel>(binding);

    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);

Now we need to implement the actual routing algorithm. In our case, when message arrives we will check the action method that proxy object will use to execute on the target service. We have hard-coded the method “Calculate” to be routed to service2, the other request will be routed equally among available services. You can also use XmlDocument class to parse message content if needed.
Of course in the production environment you may want to pass in routing rules as a object and examine that when processing arrived message prior routing it to appropriate service.

 public Message RouteMessage(Message message)
    IRequestChannel channel = null;
    Console.WriteLine("Action {0}", message.Headers.Action);
        //Route based on custom conditions
        if (message.Headers.Action.ToLower().EndsWith("calculate")) //or use custom routing table stored in other location
            //use second endpoint as it has more resources for time consuming operations
            channel = factory.CreateChannel(this.addressList.Skip(1).First());
            Console.WriteLine("Routed to: {0}\n", this.addressList.Skip(1).First().Uri);
            #region Route other requests equally
            //we assume only 2 endpoints for this example 
            if (routeCount % 2 == 0)
                channel = factory.CreateChannel(this.addressList.First());
                Console.WriteLine("Routed to: {0}\n", this.addressList.First().Uri);
                channel = factory.CreateChannel(this.addressList.Skip(1).First());
                Console.WriteLine("Routed to: {0}\n", this.addressList.Skip(1).First().Uri);
            //reset route counter
            if (routeCount > 10000) { routeCount = 0; } else { routeCount++; }

        //remove context as the message will be redirected


        var reply = channel.Request(message);


        return reply;
    catch (Exception e)
        return null;

At this time, we can create client application that will call our front-end service(router) multiple times for our test.

 static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.Write("Press enter to send multiple messages");

    var baseFrontOfficeAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:81/FrontOffice");

        var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
        var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(baseFrontOfficeAddress);

        var factory = new ChannelFactory<IMessageService>(binding, endpoint);
        var channel = factory.CreateChannel();

        //simulate multiple requests
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            var reply = channel.SendMessage("test message");

            var replyCalulated = channel.Calculate("test message");
            Console.WriteLine("Calculated value: " + replyCalulated);

    catch (Exception ex)

In order to receive client requests we need to start our services. In our example we will host router and available services within the same application. Normally we would deploy router service within DMZ zone and target services on the separate computers withing our local network. For security reasons, only router service would be exposed to public network.

 static void Main(string[] args)
    //execute this first using cmd (win7)
    //netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/FrontOffice user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName
    //netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/service1 user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName
    //netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/service2 user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName

    //front office endpoint - all clients will call this address before requests will be routed
    var baseFrontOfficeAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:81/FrontOffice");

    #region Target service endpoints that requests can be routed to (can be more than 2)
    var baseEndPointAddress1 = new Uri("https://localhost:81/service1");
    var baseEndPointAddress2 = new Uri("https://localhost:81/service2");

    var endPoint1 = new EndpointAddress(baseEndPointAddress1);
    var endPoint2 = new EndpointAddress(baseEndPointAddress2); 

    #region These services should normally be deployed to different servers within the organization
    //start service 1
    var hostService1 = new ServiceHost(typeof(MessageService1), baseEndPointAddress1);
    hostService1.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMessageService), new BasicHttpBinding(), "");
    Console.WriteLine("MessageService1 service running");

    //start service 2
    var hostService2 = new ServiceHost(typeof(MessageService2), baseEndPointAddress2);
    hostService2.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMessageService), new BasicHttpBinding(), "");
    Console.WriteLine("MessageService2 service running");        

    #region Start router service
    var router = new Router();

    //add available service enpoints
    router.AddAvailableEndPoints(new List<EndpointAddress>() { endPoint1, endPoint2 });

    var routerHost = new ServiceHost(router);
    routerHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IRouter), new BasicHttpBinding(), baseFrontOfficeAddress);

    Console.WriteLine("Router service running");           
    Console.WriteLine("---Run client to send messages---");  

The results of our test is shown below. In this example we chose to route all requests for “Caluculate” method to “service2” (as it located on faster machine within the network), the other requests are routed equally to service1 or service2.


Above way of routing messages is very flexible as it is implemented on the very low level. The other way of routing messages is to use RoutingService class. In this approach you would define the routing table, endpoints and filters in your configuration file. Based on these settings you would add service behavior that will use RoutingService class to route messages.

I have attached project files below for your tests. Please execute below commands before testing it:

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/FrontOffice user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName”
netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/service1 user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName
netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:81/service2 user=Domain(or PC name)\UserName


Artykuł Creating custom WCF message router – load balancer pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Integrating automated Selenium tests with TeamCity https://pxm-software.com/integrating-automated-selenium-tests-with-teamcity/ Fri, 06 Nov 2015 20:01:24 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4110 Automated tests are crucial these days to achieve high quality software products as they are being prone to errors especially during agile process where changes can occur at any stage causing our solution to stop functioning properly. Apart from standard testing using TDD, Mocking etc. there is always a need to perform interface tests simulating […]

Artykuł Integrating automated Selenium tests with TeamCity pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Automated tests are crucial these days to achieve high quality software products as they are being prone to errors especially during agile process where changes can occur at any stage causing our solution to stop functioning properly. Apart from standard testing using TDD, Mocking etc. there is always a need to perform interface tests simulating an user using our website. The ideal solution in that case are automated Selenium tests.


Selenium tests give us possibility to create user case scenarios that we can test either on our dev applications or live websites deployed to the clients. This will give us a chance to test all cases after the build will happen either on demand or when we deploy live version of our product.

Selenium tests can be created by the developer or business analyst or testers as this not requires programming skills. In order to start creating tests we need to download Selenium IDE plug-in for Firefox: https://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/

Creating tests is similar to recording macros in Excel, all we need to do is to record our actions that we want to test, image below shows the example:



Please note that you need to install Firefox version 21.0 the newer version is not working with selenium (Firefox bug).

After our test is created, we need to export it to .cs C# file as pictured below:


The next step is to create small library project application. We will use this project to compile our test files exported from the Selenium IDE. After we have the project created, we simply need to copy our exported .cs file to our project and compile dll.


If we want to integrate Selenium tests with the TeamCity server, we can do it by including previously created project into our development project files. After that, we can configure TeamCity build step to run our Selenium tests on every triggered build. To configure build step, we need to choose NUnit runner type (or other test framework of your choice)


If we have configured everything correctly, the test will run on every application change. Of course Selenium tests must be run at the end, when project is compiled and deployed on the server (if this is our local dev environment).

When tests finish, we can check the status in TeamCity admin panel or configure email notification or use TeamCity Tray Notifier to track the results.


The final thing that needs to be set-up is the Selenium server. You can run the Selenium server locally by turning it on when needed and then running NUnit application to check the test locally. In our case we want the Selenium to be running on the server as a Windows Service.

After downloading Selenium RC https://docs.seleniumhq.org/projects/remote-control/ we unpack the files to following location C:\Selenium\selenium-server-1.0.3 You not necessarily need all that files as it also includes web drivers for other languages. Anyway, our folder structure should look similar to following:


We also need to download nssm-2.16 (“Non-Sucking Service Manager”), we will use it to install Windows Service running our Selenium server. When we run run-server-manually.bat, the Selenium server will be launched, it will stop after you close console window – this will help when testing on your local machine.
The script looks like this:

 java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar -port 4444

I have also created 2 scripts: install-windows-service.bat and remove-windows-service.bat that install and remove Windows Service on the target server. The logic is as follows:

//install Windows Service
C:\Selenium\selenium-server-1.0.3\nssm-2.16\win64\nssm.exe install Selenium-Server "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" "-jar C:\Selenium\selenium-server-1.0.3\selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar"

//Uninstall Windows Service
C:\Selenium\selenium-server-1.0.3\nssm-2.16\win64\nssm.exe remove Selenium-Server

After installing Windows Service, please make sure it is running by going to Control panel > Administrative Tools > Services. You also need to remember to check java path as it differs for x64 systems.
That’s it. I have included configuration files that may help you. Hope you will be successful with your configuration 🙂


Artykuł Integrating automated Selenium tests with TeamCity pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Auto creating installers using WIX (Open source) and CI server https://pxm-software.com/auto-creating-installers-using-wix-open-source-and-ci-server/ Mon, 02 Nov 2015 21:03:27 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4195 Creating installer packages has become more complicated recently as the Microsoft decided to not to support installation projects (.vdproj) in VS 2012 upwards. On the top of that there is additional difficulty if we want to auto-create installers on the server that hasn’t got commercial Visual Studio installed – we just cannot do it 🙁 […]

Artykuł Auto creating installers using WIX (Open source) and CI server pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Creating installer packages has become more complicated recently as the Microsoft decided to not to support installation projects (.vdproj) in VS 2012 upwards. On the top of that there is additional difficulty if we want to auto-create installers on the server that hasn’t got commercial Visual Studio installed – we just cannot do it 🙁

The perfect solution for that is to use WIX installer (Open source). WIX enables you to build installation packages from xml files without relying on Visual Studio. The only component required is to install WIX toolset on the build server (wixtoolset.org)

The main WIX file is the .wixproj file that builds the required package either from inside Visual Studio or from command line – without VS. In that project file we can find some commands that use WIX heat, candle and light modules to create required msi files. See sample below:

Harvesting module will create dynamic list of all files that need to be included into installer. This list is gathered after our website app is published to the local folder:

  <Exec Command="&quot;$(WixPath)heat.exe&quot; dir $(PublishF) -dr INSTALLLOCATION -ke -srd -cg MyWebWebComponents -var var.publishDir -gg -out WebSiteContent.wxs" ContinueOnError="false" WorkingDirectory="." />

After harvesting, we can finally build installer. Please note that we can pass in custom parameters when triggering candle module, the parameters must be preceded with the letter “d” e.g. -dMyParam. In our sample we will use this to pass in command line arguments that will define our installer’s name, version, website root etc.

 <Exec Command="&quot;$(WixPath)candle.exe&quot; -ext WixIISExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WiXNetFxExtension -dProductName=$(ProductName) -dWebFolderName=$(WebFolderName) -dProductVersion=$(ProductVersion) -dUpgradeCode=$(UpgradeCode) -dProductCode=$(ProductCode) -dpublishDir=$(PublishF) -dMyWebResourceDir=. @(WixCode, ' ')" ContinueOnError="false" WorkingDirectory="." />

 <Exec Command="&quot;$(WixPath)light.exe&quot; -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixIISExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WiXNetFxExtension -out $(MsiOut) @(WixObject, ' ')" ContinueOnError="false" WorkingDirectory="." />

For the purpose of this article we will create very simple installer without configuring IIS settings, deploying sql scripts etc. All installer’s basic configuration can be found in UIDialogs.wxs, MyWebUI.wxs, IisConfiguration.wxs – you may want to adjust it for your needs. The file Product.wxs is the main entry point where you can define installation folders, actions, validations etc.

Please note that adding UpgradeCode and MajorUpgrade configuration elements will result in any older installed version to be automatically un-installed prior the installation. Also, any custom params you want to use inside your installer configuration must be used like this $(var.MyParamName).

 <Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" 
			 UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)" >
 <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of Product Name Removed is already installed."/> 

After defining our WIX configuration files, we can finally build our installer. We can do it by using batch or Power Shell script, or use Visual Studio to do it. It is because the .wixproj file it’s just normal ms-build file.

When using CI server we can simply run power-shell installation process by passing in our version number (build number, revision etc.) and other parameters we need.

This is how we can run it with PS:

We can still use Visual Studio to do the same, as presented below:

I have attached working sample below. Please don’t forget to install WIX toolset before running it. Also please check if all paths to WIX and msbuild folders are the same on your server (or use environment variables instead).


Artykuł Auto creating installers using WIX (Open source) and CI server pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Entity validation engine using c# expression rules https://pxm-software.com/entity-validation-engine-using-c-expression-rules/ Thu, 02 Jul 2015 20:09:08 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4128 Validating entity data is the common task when building business applications. Very often happens that we want to separate the rules from the app code to be able to quickly change it without affecting the application. In this article we will build simple validation engine that will be evaluating rules stored as linq expressions. In […]

Artykuł Entity validation engine using c# expression rules pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Validating entity data is the common task when building business applications. Very often happens that we want to separate the rules from the app code to be able to quickly change it without affecting the application. In this article we will build simple validation engine that will be evaluating rules stored as linq expressions.

In our example we will hardcode the rules in separate .cs files (based on entity type). You may also want to store the linq expressions as a string in database and also compile the code dynamically from the string and then execute the rules based on the output dll file.


In our case we will hard code the rule in .css files. The following example shows the rule definitions for Client entity.

  public class ClientValidationRules : BaseValidationRuleSet<Client>
        public ClientValidationRules(Client arg)
            RuleList.Add(new ValidationRule<Client>(
                //set the rule
                a => a.Name.Trim().Any() && !a.Name.Any(b => char.IsLower(b))
                , arg)
                    //set the result
                    Message = "Name cannot be all in uppercase!",
                    ResultTypeIfFailed = ValidationResultType.ERROR,
                    SuggestionString = arg.Name.ToLower()

            RuleList.Add(new ValidationRule<Client>(
                //set the rule
               a => a.DateOfBirth.AddYears(18) > DateTime.Now
               , arg)
                //set the result
                Message = "You must be at lest 18 years old to register!",
                ResultTypeIfFailed = ValidationResultType.ERROR,
                SuggestionString = string.Format("Wait {0} days", DateTime.Now.Subtract(arg.DateOfBirth).TotalDays.ToString("0"))

You can see that this way allows us to easily define rule’s logic based on the entity data. We can also define suggestion message for each rule separately. By setting ValidationResultType as a rule result we can for example allow to save data if this is only a warning or prevent saving the data by the user if this is an error.

The implementation is as follows. Let’s start with generic ValidationRule class containing the rule data and delegate to run.

 namespace RuleEngine
    public class ValidationRule<T> where T : class
        public string Message { get; set; }
        public string SuggestionString { get; set; }
        public ValidationResultType ResultTypeIfFailed { get; set; }

        internal Func<T, bool> RuleDelegate { get; set; }
        internal T ObjectTovalidate { get; set; }

        public ValidationRule(Func<T, bool> rule, T arg)
            RuleDelegate = rule;
            ObjectTovalidate = arg;

        public bool RunRuleDelegate()
            return RuleDelegate(ObjectTovalidate);

It’s base class will have the “Run” method implementation.

 namespace RuleEngine
    public abstract class BaseValidationRuleSet<T> where T : class
        public List<ValidationRule<T>> RuleList { get; internal set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates rule list
        /// </summary>
        public BaseValidationRuleSet()
            RuleList = new List<ValidationRule<T>>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Run all added rules
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ValidationResult Run()
            foreach (var rule in this.RuleList)
                var result = rule.RunRuleDelegate();

                if (result)
                    return new ValidationResult() { IsValid = false, ResultType = rule.ResultTypeIfFailed, Message = rule.Message, SuggestionString = rule.SuggestionString };

            return new ValidationResult() { IsValid = true, ResultType = ValidationResultType.OK };

Let’s define ValidationResult class that will be returned after running the rule delegate.

 namespace RuleEngine
    public class ValidationResult
        public bool IsValid { get; set; }
        public string SuggestionString { get; set; }
        public string Message { get; set; }
        public ValidationResultType ResultType { get; set; }

The ValidationEngine class will have the entry point for different entity validation methods. You may also want to create generic function to pass the validating object to. You also can preload all rules at runtime and evaluate dynamically using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() method.

  public class ValidationEngine: ValidationEngineBase
      public ValidationResult RunProjectRules(Project project)
          return new ProjectValidationRules(project).Run();
      public ValidationResult RunClientRules(Client client)
          return new ClientValidationRules(client).Run();

In order to test our solution we can use console app. We also need to load some fake data into our entities.

     static void Main(string[] args)
            var validationEngine = new ValidationEngine();

            #region load entities
            var client = new Client()
                      Name = "CLIENT NUMBER1a",
                      DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)

            var project = new Project()
                Name = "PROJECT NUMBER1",
                StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)

            #region validate client
            Console.WriteLine("Starting client validation");

            var result = validationEngine.RunClientRules(client);

            if (!result.IsValid)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Suggestion: {0}", result.SuggestionString));


            #region validate project
            Console.WriteLine("Starting project validation");

            result = validationEngine.RunProjectRules(project);

            if (!result.IsValid)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Suggestion: {0}", result.SuggestionString));


I have included project files bellow for your tests.

#Article update#

We can also create simple business rule engine in very similar way, here is the implementation:

 namespace RuleEngine
    /// <summary>
    /// To be extended if needed
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class BusinessRuleEngineBase

    /// <summary>
    /// Runs set of rules for different entities
    /// </summary>
    public class BusinessRuleEngine : BusinessRuleEngineBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Run rules for ScheduledFlight 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduledFlight"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool RunBusinessRulesFor(ScheduledFlight scheduledFlight)
            return new FlightBusinessRules(scheduledFlight).Run();

Business rule implementation containing evaluating and executing delegate

/// <summary>
/// Runs delegate on the specified business rule set
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public class BusinessRule<T> where T : class
    public string RuleName { get; set; }
    internal Func<T, bool> RuleDelegate { get; set; }
    internal Func<T, bool> ExecuteRuleDelegate { get; set; }
    internal T ObjectToValidate { get; set; }
    internal T ObjectToApply { get; set; }

    public BusinessRule(Func<T, bool> rule, Func<T, bool> ruleApply, T arg)
        RuleDelegate = rule;
        ExecuteRuleDelegate = ruleApply;
        ObjectToValidate = arg;
        ObjectToApply = arg;

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if business rule should be applied
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool ApplyRuleDelegate()
        return RuleDelegate(ObjectToValidate);

    /// <summary>
    /// Applies business rule on the current entity
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool ApplyBusinessDelegate()
        return ExecuteRuleDelegate(ObjectToApply);

BaseBusinessRuleSet base class

/// <summary>
/// Base class for business rule sets
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public abstract class BaseBusinessRuleSet<T> where T : class
    public List<BusinessRule<T>> RuleList { get; internal set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Initiates business rule list
    /// </summary>
    public BaseBusinessRuleSet()
        RuleList = new List<BusinessRule<T>>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Run all added business rules
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool Run()
        foreach (var rule in this.RuleList)
            var result = rule.ApplyRuleDelegate();

            //if rule is true, run business logic
            if (result)

                return true;

        return false;

And finally the business rule set-up class.

public class FlightBusinessRules : BaseBusinessRuleSet<ScheduledFlight>
    /// <summary>
    /// Setup business rules for ScheduledFlight
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="arg"></param>
    public FlightBusinessRules(ScheduledFlight arg)

        RuleList.Add(new BusinessRule<ScheduledFlight>(
            //set the rule
                a => (double)arg.Passengers.Count(p => p.Type == PassengerType.AirlineEmployee) / arg.Passengers.Count > arg.FlightRoute.MinimumTakeOffPercentage
            //execute rule
                 e =>
                     //lower the base price till 100
                     if (arg.FlightRoute.BasePrice >= 100)
                         arg.FlightRoute.BasePrice -= 10;

                     //add more logic here...

                     return true;
                arg) { RuleName = "ApplyDiscountFor_AirlineEmployee" });

        RuleList.Add(new BusinessRule<ScheduledFlight>(
            //set the rule
              a => a.FlightRoute.BasePrice == 0
            //execute rule
               e =>
                   //enforce minimal base price
                   arg.FlightRoute.BasePrice = 100;

                   return true;
              arg) { RuleName = "EnsureMinimalBasePrice" });



Artykuł Entity validation engine using c# expression rules pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Displaying interactive MS Chart objects in ASP.NET MVC https://pxm-software.com/displaying-interactive-ms-chart-objects-in-asp-net-mvc/ Sat, 27 Jun 2015 19:55:54 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4102 Displaying charts using MS Chart is usually simple in asp.net webform. The problem exists if we want to use it in Asp.net MVC application without putting it on .aspx page. In this article I will show you how to display interactive chart using purely MVC view. Lets start with creating ChartHelper class that will contain […]

Artykuł Displaying interactive MS Chart objects in ASP.NET MVC pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Displaying charts using MS Chart is usually simple in asp.net webform. The problem exists if we want to use it in Asp.net MVC application without putting it on .aspx page. In this article I will show you how to display interactive chart using purely MVC view.


Lets start with creating ChartHelper class that will contain basic logic for creating chart objects. In the function CreateDummyChart() we will just create standard MS Chart object with some dummy data.

 public static Chart CreateDummyChart()
    var chart = new Chart() { Width = 600, Height = 400 };
    chart.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Excel;
    chart.Legends.Add(new Legend("legend1") { Docking = Docking.Bottom });

    var title = new Title("Test chart", Docking.Top, new Font("Arial", 15, FontStyle.Bold), Color.Brown);
    chart.ChartAreas.Add("Area 1");

    chart.Series.Add("Series 1");
    chart.Series.Add("Series 2");

    chart.BackColor = Color.Azure;
    var random = new Random();
    //add random data: series 1
    foreach (int value in new List<int>() { random.Next(100), random.Next(100), random.Next(100), random.Next(100) })
        chart.Series["Series 1"].Points.AddY(value);

        //attach JavaScript events - it can also be ajax call
        chart.Series["Series 1"].Points.Last().MapAreaAttributes = "onclick=\"alert('value: #VAL, series: #SER');\"";

    //add random data: series 2
    foreach (int value in new List<int>() { random.Next(100), random.Next(100), random.Next(100), random.Next(100) })
        chart.Series["Series 2"].Points.AddY(value);

        //attach JavaScript events - it can also be ajax call
        chart.Series["Series 2"].Points.Last().MapAreaAttributes = "onclick=\"alert('value: #VAL, series: #SER');\"";

    return chart;

Next, we need to create function that takes our newly created chart object and saves it to memory stream. After that we only need to convert the stream to byte array and to base64 string afterwards.

Having image string created, we simply construct html “img” tag to be rendered by our view. Please note that “data:image/png;base64” attributes are necessary to tell the browser to render it as image.

 public static string GetChartImageHtml(Chart chart)
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        var img = "<img src='data:image/png;base64,{0}' alt='' usemap='#" + ImageMap + "'>";

        chart.SaveImage(stream, ChartImageFormat.Png);

        var encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());

        return string.Format(img, encoded);

The final thing is to create DisplayChart() method in the view to be used by Html.RenderAction. Apart from chart’s image string, we also need to display chart’s image map in order to enable chart JavaScript events when needed.

public ActionResult DisplayChart()
    var chart = ChartHelper.CreateDummyChart();
    var result = new StringBuilder();

    return Content(result.ToString());

And finally this is our view

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";


@{ Html.RenderAction("DisplayChart"); }

I have attached project files to save your time 🙂


Artykuł Displaying interactive MS Chart objects in ASP.NET MVC pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Using WCF REST service in server and client side calls https://pxm-software.com/using-wcf-rest-service-in-server-and-client-side-calls/ Sun, 07 Jun 2015 19:40:14 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4079 When using WCF services sometimes there is a need to use REST architecture, especially for web applications. Using REST, brings a lot of benefits such as: broad caching possibilities, interoperability, simplicity etc. Also using REST with JSON instead of soap/xml based protocol decreases network bandwidth and makes it easier to utilize by JavaScript Ajax calls. […]

Artykuł Using WCF REST service in server and client side calls pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

When using WCF services sometimes there is a need to use REST architecture, especially for web applications. Using REST, brings a lot of benefits such as: broad caching possibilities, interoperability, simplicity etc. Also using REST with JSON instead of soap/xml based protocol decreases network bandwidth and makes it easier to utilize by JavaScript Ajax calls.

In this article I will show you how to retrieve and update data from WCF restful service using JSON protocol. In order to do that we will build request helper to wrap-up our requests sent from MVC application. We will also use JSONP data format to make cross-domain ajax calls to WCF service.


Let’s create MVC application and IIS hosted WCF service. In order to apply custom routing to our service, we will have to change following settings:
– set aspNetCompatibilityEnabled=”true” in WCF web.config file,
– set [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] – to our service class,

We also need to set crossDomainScriptAccessEnabled=”true” in WCF web.config for our ajax calls from different domain (different localhost port).

Please see WCF web.config settings:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
    <authentication mode="None"/>
          <binding name="webHttpBindingWithJsonP" crossDomainScriptAccessEnabled="true" />
      <service name="WCFRestfulService.MyService" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior">
        <endpoint address=""  binding="webHttpBinding" contract="WCFRestfulService.IRestService"
                  behaviorConfiguration="MyEndpointBehavior"  bindingConfiguration="webHttpBindingWithJsonP">
        <behavior name="RESTBehavior">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
        <behavior name="MyEndpointBehavior">
    <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"

Next let’s create our ServiceContract and DataContract. Please note that we are defining UriTemplate to specified url contract routing, we will also use WebMessageFormat.Json attribute to declare the request format.

 [ServiceContract(Namespace = "https://mysite.com/2013/06/08", Name = "WCFRestService")]
 public interface IRestService
    [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
    UriTemplate = "Products?skip={skip}&top={top}")]
    [Description("Returns a list of all products")]
    List<Product> GetAllProducts(int skip, int top);

    [WebInvoke(Method = "DELETE", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
    UriTemplate = "DeleteProduct?productID={productID}")]
    [Description("Deletes a product")]
    string DeleteProduct(string productID);

    [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
    UriTemplate = "/UpdateProduct")]
    [Description("Updates the product")]
    string UpdateProduct(Product productDto);

 public class Product
    public string ProductID { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Category { get; set; }

    public double Price { get; set; }

Also, in the service global file we need to define following routing rule.

 protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
      RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("", new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(MyService)));

Our .svc file should contain following (Factory=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebScriptServiceHostFactory” added)

 <%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="WCFRestfulService.MyService" CodeBehind="MyService.svc.cs" Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebScriptServiceHostFactory" %>

Inside our service class we will add following test methods:

 [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
 public class MyService : IRestService
    List<Product> IRestService.GetAllProducts(int skip, int top)
        var productList = new List<Product>();
        var random = new Random();

        #region simulate database
        for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            productList.Add(new Product()
                ProductID = i.ToString(),
                Category = "Category " + i % 2,
                Name = "Product " + i.ToString(),
                Price = random.Next(10, 100)


        var productSet = (from product in productList
                          orderby product.Name
                          select product).Skip(skip).Take(top).ToList();

        return productSet;

    string IRestService.DeleteProduct(string productID)
        //delete from database here

        return "OK";//return status or error

    string IRestService.UpdateProduct(Product productDto)
        //update the product here

        return "OK";//return status or error


Next, in MVC application let’s create request helper that we will use to wrap-up our requests executed from C# controllers. Helper functions simply convert our data to JSON format when sending REST requests. We will also de-serialize objects from JSON to C# when retrieving the data.

 public class RequestHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// Get object using GET
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="url"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static T GetObjectRest<T>(string url)
        var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
        request.Method = "GET";

        var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
        using (var resStream = response.GetResponseStream())
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(resStream))
                var jsonResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();

                return FromJSON<T>(jsonResponse);

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="url"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string UpdateObjectRest<T>(string url, T objectDto)
        var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); 
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.ContentType = "application/json";

        //send the data.
        using (var requestWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

        //read response
        var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        using (var resStream = response.GetResponseStream())
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resStream))
                return reader.ReadToEnd();

    /// <summary>
    /// Send DELETE request
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="url"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string DeleteObjectRest(string url)
        var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
        request.Method = "DELETE";

        //read response
        var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        using (var resStream = response.GetResponseStream())
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resStream))
                return reader.ReadToEnd();

    /// <summary>
    /// Deserialize json to custom object
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="json"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static T FromJSON<T>(string json)
        var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

        return jss.Deserialize<T>(json);

    /// <summary>
    /// Serializes object to json
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="objectDto"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string ToJSON<T>(T objectDto)
        var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

        return jss.Serialize(objectDto);

Calling Rest service will look as follows:

  //get list of products
  var productList = RequestHelper.GetObjectRest<List<Product>>("https://localhost:9582/Products?skip=0&top=10");

Retrieving data using client side Ajax request is quite difficult because of the cross-domain policy (CORS) disabling web script access by default. The way around that is to use JSONP data format so the server is treating our request as a script call allowing us to return data back inside the call-back function. The limitation of that is that we can only use GET method to retrieve the data. If you need full access to the WCF restful service, it is recommended to make your Ajax requests from the same domain.

 <script type="text/javascript">
    function GetProducts() {
            type: "GET", //only 'get' is supported with 'jasonp' datatype
            url: "https://localhost:9582/Products?skip=0&top=10",
            dataType: "jsonp",
            data: '',
            success: function (result) {
                alert('Received: ' + result.length + ' products');
            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                // alert(xhr.status);
                // alert(thrownError);

Please find the project files included below.


Artykuł Using WCF REST service in server and client side calls pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Custom RetryPolicy class for Windows Azure transient error handling https://pxm-software.com/custom-retrypolicy-class-for-windows-azure-transient-error-handling/ Tue, 02 Jun 2015 19:21:55 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4071 According to definition, the Cloud it’s “A set of interconnected servers located in one or more data centres”. As per definition this kind of environment is naturally prone to network latency and other related environmental issues. This is especially true if we are communicating with on premises applications to synchronize and load the data over […]

Artykuł Custom RetryPolicy class for Windows Azure transient error handling pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

According to definition, the Cloud it’s “A set of interconnected servers located in one or more data centres”. As per definition this kind of environment is naturally prone to network latency and other related environmental issues. This is especially true if we are communicating with on premises applications to synchronize and load the data over public network.

In order to ensure that our systems are reliable and functioning correctly within such a environment, we should use RetryPolicy to retry error prone operation when an transient error occurs.

In this article I will show you how to use default RetryPolicy with configuration stored in web.config file. You will also learn how to create custom retry policy class to be used throughout your application for the specific error types you define.

Using retry policy objects simply allows us to retry an operation multiple times at the intervals we configure. Image below shows debugging information when retrying operations that cause the errors:


In our example we will user Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 (updated version). To create instances we will use RetryPolicyFactory that can create retry policy objects of following types: AzureCachingRetryPolicy, AzureServiceBusRetryPolicy, AzureStorageRetryPolicy, SqlCommandRetryPolicy, SqlConnectionRetryPolicy. Each type handles specific error types.

The configuration also includes ErrorDetectionStrategy object that is being configured in web.config file:

    <section name="RetryPolicyConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAzure.TransientFaultHandling.Configuration.RetryPolicyConfigurationSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAzure.TransientFaultHandling" requirePermission="true"/>
    <section name="typeRegistrationProvidersConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.TypeRegistrationProvidersConfigurationSection, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common"/>
  <RetryPolicyConfiguration defaultRetryStrategy="Fixed Interval Retry Strategy" defaultSqlConnectionRetryStrategy="Incremental Retry Strategy">
    <incremental name="Incremental Retry Strategy" retryIncrement="00:00:01" initialInterval="00:00:01" maxRetryCount="10"/>
    <fixedInterval name="Fixed Interval Retry Strategy" retryInterval="00:00:01" maxRetryCount="10"/>
    <exponentialBackoff name="Backoff Retry Strategy" minBackoff="00:00:01" maxBackoff="00:00:30" deltaBackoff="00:00:10" maxRetryCount="10" firstFastRetry="false"/>
    <add name="Caching" sectionName="cachingConfiguration"/>
    <add name="Cryptography" sectionName="securityCryptographyConfiguration"/>
    <add name="Exception Handling" sectionName="exceptionHandling"/>
    <add name="Instrumentation" sectionName="instrumentationConfiguration"/>
    <add name="Logging" sectionName="loggingConfiguration"/>
    <add name="Policy Injection" sectionName="policyInjection"/>
    <add name="Security" sectionName="securityConfiguration"/>
    <add name="Data Access" providerType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.DatabaseSyntheticConfigSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data"/>
    <add name="Validation" providerType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Configuration.ValidationTypeRegistrationProvider, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation"/>
    <add sectionName="RetryPolicyConfiguration" name="RetryPolicyConfiguration"/>

Let’s create helper class to handle creation of retry policy objects. The first method retrieves the default policy with the configuration stored in web.config file.
We will also attach an Retrying event to log the retry operations.

 public static RetryPolicy GetDefaultPolicy(string name)
    RetryPolicy retryPolicy;

        retryPolicy = RetryPolicyFactory.GetRetryPolicy<StorageTransientErrorDetectionStrategy>(name);
        retryPolicy.Retrying += retryPolicy_Retrying;
    catch (NullReferenceException)
        throw new Exception("Unable to read transient fault handling behaviour from web.config file - section for TransientFaultHandling could be missing.");

    return retryPolicy;

 static void retryPolicy_Retrying(object sender, RetryingEventArgs e)
    var message = string.Format(
        "Retry - Count: {0}, Delay: {1}, Exception: {2}",

    Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, message);// write to log

Our next helper function will create custom retry policy. In the constructor we will pass in error types we want to be included in retry operations. Ideally this could be stored in config file.

 public static RetryPolicy GetCustomRetryPolicy()
    var retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy(
        new CustomTransientErrorDetectionStrategy(
            new List<Type>() {
        new CustomRetryStrategy());

    retryPolicy.Retrying += retryPolicy_Retrying;

    return retryPolicy;

Now let’s create custom retry policy class. The most important part of it is ShouldRetry method which simply returns the delegate allowing to evaluate whether to continue retrying operation or not. You can also apply your own logic in this place based on your requirements.

 public class CustomRetryStrategy : RetryStrategy
  private readonly int retryCount = 3;
  private readonly TimeSpan retryInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);

  public CustomRetryStrategy()
    : base("customRetryStrategy", true)
    //default values

  public CustomRetryStrategy(int retryCount, TimeSpan retryInterval)
    : base("customRetryStrategy", true)
    this.retryCount = retryCount;
    this.retryInterval = retryInterval;

  public override ShouldRetry GetShouldRetry()
    if (this.retryCount == 0)
        return delegate(int currentRetryCount, Exception lastException, out TimeSpan interval)
            interval = TimeSpan.Zero;

            return false;

    return delegate(int currentRetryCount, Exception lastException, out TimeSpan interval)
        if (currentRetryCount < this.retryCount)
            var random = new Random();
            //set random interval within the threshold
            interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(random.Next((int)(this.retryInterval.TotalMilliseconds * 0.8), (int)(this.retryInterval.TotalMilliseconds * 1.2)));

			//use your logic here

            return true;

        interval = TimeSpan.Zero;

        return false;

When creating custom retry policy we also need to create CustomTransientErrorDetectionStrategy class inheriting from ITransientErrorDetectionStrategy interface. In this class we simply evaluate the error type that is currently occurring and need to decide whether retry policy object will attempt to handle it. In order to do that we will pass in our error types to the class constructor. Next, we will check the error type within the IsTransient method to return true if error must cause the retry operation or false otherwise.

 public class CustomTransientErrorDetectionStrategy : ITransientErrorDetectionStrategy
    List<Type> exceptionTypesToRetry;

    public CustomTransientErrorDetectionStrategy(List<Type> exceptionType)
        exceptionTypesToRetry = exceptionType;

    public bool IsTransient(Exception ex)
        if (exceptionTypesToRetry.Contains(ex.GetType()))
            return true;
        return false;

Finally in our controller we can test it as follows:

 RetryPolicyHelper.GetDefaultPolicy("Incremental Retry Strategy").ExecuteAction(() =>
     //index out of range exception - it won't be retried
     //as it defaults to sql connection errors
     var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
     var a = array[5];

 RetryPolicyHelper.GetCustomRetryPolicy().ExecuteAction(() =>
     //divide by zero exception - will be retried
     //as we defined exception types to:
     //DivideByZeroException, IndexOutOfRangeException
     var a = 0;
     var b = 10 / a;

I have included project files below for your tests 🙂


Artykuł Custom RetryPolicy class for Windows Azure transient error handling pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Adding links and styled text to Power-Point presentation https://pxm-software.com/adding-links-and-styled-text-to-power-point-presentation-2/ Mon, 25 May 2015 19:15:21 +0000 https://proxmedia.pl:99/en/?p=4064 Formatting paragraphs in OpenXML documents is playing crucial part in proper implementation as the very common requirement is to change PowerPoint files programmatically during the business workflow processes.I have recently received lot of queries about how to insert formatted text and links into the presentation. Hence, in this article I will show you how to […]

Artykuł Adding links and styled text to Power-Point presentation pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.

Formatting paragraphs in OpenXML documents is playing crucial part in proper implementation as the very common requirement is to change PowerPoint files programmatically during the business workflow processes.
I have recently received lot of queries about how to insert formatted text and links into the presentation. Hence, in this article I will show you how to do it.

In the past I have written article about auto generating Power-Point documents from the template file, in this part I will extend the functionality I have implemented before.


Let’s start with defining placeholder paragraphs we will use to insert our formatted texts and links:

 var templ = new PowerPointTemplate();
 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#Paragraph1#]", Text = "Slide 1" });
 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#Paragraph2#]", Text = "Slide 2" });
 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#List1(string[])#]", Text = "test1 n test2 n test3 n test4" });
 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#List2(string[])#]", Text = "test1 n test2 n test3 n test4" });

 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#Link1(#link#)#]", Text = "My link - to Microsoft; https://microsoft.com" });
 templ.PowerPointParameters.Add(new PowerPointParameter() { Name = "[#Link2(#link#)#]", Text = "My link - to Google; https://google.com" });

As you can see, we will handle text lists and single links defined in our template. Of course the names and params will depend on your requirements.

I will skip describing how the process works as this can be read in my previous article. I will go straight to the styled paragraph creation.

Function below returns new paragraph with the styles we have defined in parameters. The RunProperties class is created, then we are assigning the styles – please note that the color needs to be converted to HEX before adding it to run properties. Next we need to define the text-box object containing paragraph’s text. At the end we simply need to append run properties and text to the run and finally append run to the paragraph object.

If you need multiple colors within one paragraph, simply create multiple texts, runs and run properties and configure it separately before assigning it to the paragraph object.

 public Paragraph CreateStyledParagraph(string text, System.Drawing.Color color, bool isBold, bool isItalic, int fontSize = 2000)
    var runProperties = new RunProperties(); //set basic styles for paragraph
    runProperties.Bold = isBold;
    runProperties.Italic = isItalic;
    runProperties.FontSize = fontSize;
    runProperties.Dirty = false;

    var hexColor = color.R.ToString("X2") + color.G.ToString("X2") + color.B.ToString("X2");//convert color to hex
    var solidFill = new SolidFill();
    var rgbColorModelHex = new RgbColorModelHex() { Val = hexColor };


    //use this to assign the font family
    runProperties.Append(new LatinFont() { Typeface = "Arial Black" });

    var textBody = new Drawing.Text();
    textBody.Text = text; //assign text

    var run = new Drawing.Run();
    var newParagraph = new Paragraph();

    run.Append(runProperties);//append styles
    run.Append(textBody);//append text
    newParagraph.Append(run);//append run to paragraph

    return newParagraph;

Creating links is a little bit different. In order to do it we first need to create HyperlinkRelationship in the slide, the HyperlinkOnClick class contained within the run will then map to it on user click event. Please note that link color is not supported.

 public Paragraph CreateStyledLinkParagraph(SlidePart slidePart, string url, string text, bool isBold, bool isItalic, int fontSize = 2000)
    //note: HyperlinkOnClick does not support link color

    var relationshipId = "rIdlink" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();//create unique id
    slidePart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(new System.Uri(url, System.UriKind.Absolute), true, relationshipId);//assign hyperlink to the current slide we process

    var runProperties = new RunProperties(
         new LatinFont() { Typeface = "Bodoni MT Black"},
         new HyperlinkOnClick() { Id = relationshipId }); //set basic styles and assign relationshipId
    runProperties.Bold = isBold;
    runProperties.Italic = isItalic;
    runProperties.FontSize = fontSize;
    runProperties.Dirty = false;

    var textBody = new Drawing.Text();
    textBody.Text = text; //assign text

    var run = new Drawing.Run();
    var newParagraph = new Paragraph();

    run.Append(runProperties);//append styles
    run.Append(textBody);//append text
    newParagraph.Append(run);//append run to paragraph

    return newParagraph;

The final replacement is being done in ReplaceText function. See in-line comments:

 void ReplaceText(Paragraph paragraph, SlidePart currentSlide)
    var parent = paragraph.Parent; //get parent element - to be used when removing placeholder
    var dataParam = new PowerPointParameter();

    if (ContainsParam(paragraph, ref dataParam)) //check if paragraph is on our parameter list
        //insert text list
        if (dataParam.Name.Contains("string[]")) //check if param is a list
            var arrayText = dataParam.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); //in our case we split it into lines

            if (arrayText is IEnumerable) //enumerate if we can
                foreach (var itemData in arrayText)
                    //var newParagraph = CloneParaGraphWithStyles(paragraph, dataParam.Name, itemData);// create new param - preserve styles
                    var newParagraph = CreateStyledParagraph(itemData.Trim(), System.Drawing.Color.Green, false, true, 2000);

                    parent.InsertBefore(newParagraph, paragraph); //insert new element
            paragraph.Remove();//delete placeholder
        else if (dataParam.Name.Contains("#link#")) //check if param is a link
            var linkText = dataParam.Text.Split(';')[0].Trim();
            var linkUrl = dataParam.Text.Split(';')[1].Trim();

            var newParagraph = CreateStyledLinkParagraph(currentSlide, linkUrl, linkText, false, true, 1500);
            parent.InsertBefore(newParagraph, paragraph); //insert new element

            paragraph.Remove();//delete placeholder
            //insert text line
            var param = CloneParaGraphWithStyles(paragraph, dataParam.Name, dataParam.Text); // create new param - preserve styles
            parent.InsertBefore(param, paragraph);//insert new element

            paragraph.Remove();//delete placeholder

I have included fully working solution below so you can easily convert it to your needs. I hope this information was useful for you 🙂


Artykuł Adding links and styled text to Power-Point presentation pochodzi z serwisu Proxmedia.
