How we work
In our daily work, we follow Agile (SCRUM) process!
The entire project is being divided into small phases (usually two weeks). On completion of each phase, the progress is being evaluated and appropriate adjustments are being made to make sure the requirements are being followed. The diagram below presents the overview of that process:

Development environment
Depending on the requirements, we offer full development infrastructure located on our designated UAT server that acts as an extension of the client’s in-house development environment or Visual Studio Online with TFS hosted on Windows Azure.
Process automation
When working on the client’s project, we try to automate repetitive tasks to maintain high quality and speed-up development. Main areas of automation we are focusing on: builds and deployments, unit/ integration tests, selenium tests, reporting, code quality checks etc…
We use following:
Continuous Integration (TeamCity) to automate development processes,
Unit tests (TDD),
Integration tests,
Web UI tests (Selenium),
During design phase, depending on the project we use Domain Driven Design (DDD).
More information and code samples can be found on our tech blog.